How Long

A hymn inspired by Psalm 13

“Finlandia Hymn” (

How long O Lord? Wilt thou forget forever?
How long wilt thou withhold thy face from me?
How long shall I be anxious for the morrow,
grieving prolonged without thy face to see?
How long shall those who hate me boast in triumph,
trampling beneath them the poor endlessly?

Look at me now! Answer me with compassion—
Lighten mine eyes—Lest in death I should sleep—
Lest those who hate me claim the final vict’ry,
rejoicing that I go down to the deep.
But I shall trust in thy most tender mercy;
thy saving help my heart in joy will keep.

I will exalt the Lord of all the nations,
for He shall deal with me richly again.
To the Name of God Most High, holy, mighty,
I shall sing praises, now as I have then.
Glory to Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
world without end: Alleluia, amen!