A Song of Ascents

A hymn inspired by Psalm 123

“Bunessan (”

I will raise mine eyes
up to the hilltops,
asking in my heart
whence my help comes.
It is my Maker,
who when my heart drops
guides all my footsteps
along the Way.

The One who keeps watch
over God’s people
sleeps not, nor slumbers
not for a spell.
Praise to my Maker,
Breath and Redeemer,
whom I shall trust to
make all things well!

I fear not sunlight
born of day blazing,
or curse of moonlight
parting night’s veil.
I fear no evil!
Let God preserve me,
guiding me over
mountain and dale.

My Maker watches
all my departures;
my Maker watches
as I arrive.
Ever my keeper!
How good my Maker!
Now and forever,
world without end.